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Puppy Class

Your puppy’s early months are an impressionable period in his or her life, and the right training can make all the difference in your lifelong relationship with your dog. The goal of our puppy classes is to teach basic manners, encourage good behavior, prevent problems, and increase socialization, all while helping you establish a strong bond with your new canine companion. We will show you how to teach your dog what you expect of him or her through consistent, reward-based training.

Intermediate Class

Dogs of any age that already know basic commands such as sit, down, and stay, are welcome in the intermediate class. Throughout this 4 week course, we will work on adding distance, distractions, and duration to those basic commands. They will have time to socialize with other dogs and will learn some fun tricks such as: Leave it, bow, crawl, and to jump through a hula hoop.

AKC Canine Good Citizenship Program (CGC)

Dogs must pass a 10-item test to prove they can be well-behaved in the home, public places, and in the presence of other dogs. It also teaches responsible dog ownership to owners.

Private Training Sessions

If a group class isn’t what you and your pup are looking for, we offer private training sessions. You and your dog will work one on one with our trainer on any behavioral or training issues you may be having.

Daycare Training

While your dog is with us for daycare, our trainer will spend 30 minutes one on one with your dog working on basic commands or any issues you may be having.